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Fundraising Projects | Spectrum Theatre
Fundraising Projects
Found out about the projects we are fundraising for, and what we have fundraised for in the past.

Spectrum Theatre is undertaking numerous projects to improve, and future-proof, our theatre for many more decades to come. You can read about what we’re currently undertaking on this page, and if you like what we’re doing, we’d be incredibly grateful for any donations you’d like to give.

Auditorium Refurbishment

Our auditorium had been there since Spectrum Theatre moved into the ground floor Old Post Office Building in 1980. Over forty years, the auditorium served us well, but unfortunately it had started to crumble and get mouldy, and was no longer up to code – it was only a matter of time before one of our volunteers or patrons found themselves going through the floor!

Spectrum Theatre was able to use fundraising and our savings to hire contractors to rebuild our auditorium flooring, which included reverse-cycle air conditioning and dehumidifiers. Now our patrons and volunteers can be at a comfortable temperature, and there’s no more “old building” smell in the auditorium!

Our new auditorium contains our old seats, which are literally “part of the furniture” of Spectrum, as well as providing more space in more rows for patrons.

Spectrum Theatre would like to give our sincere thanks to Vanderleer Constructions for the construction of the new auditorium flooring, Albany Carpet Court for installing the carpets, and to Best Electrical and Gas for installing the lighting.

Lighting Upgrades

Spectrum Theatre are in the process of costing and raising funds to replace our trusty lights.

Theatre lighting has come a long way since we had ours installed, and Spectrum Theatre are looking to upgrade our lights to LEDs.

Not only are they more energy efficient, longer lasting, and better for the environment (and our bills), but as LED lighting is the standard, it is getting increasingly difficult and more expensive to replace our current bulbs when they are blown.

By upgrading our lighting too, we are able to give our directors and lighting designers more ways to dazzle the stage, and provide more options for guest productions in our venue.

The first phase of our three-phase lighting and sound upgrades have taken place, with a huge debt of thanks and gratitude to the knowledge and expertise of Plantagenet Production Services, who we cannot recommend enough!

Bio Box Refurbishment

Like our auditorium, our bio box – where our sound and lighting technicians operate – is long overdue for a bit of TLC and rebuilding.

The Bio Box has served us incredibly well, having seen countless shows in Spectrum’s forty-year year history.

We now have new, carpeted Bio Box flooring – which has also doubled-up as providing much-needed storage space underneath, and we’re in the process of upgrading the equipment within it!

Spectrum Theatre would like to give our sincere thanks to Vanderleer Constructions for the construction of the new Bio Box flooring, and to Albany Carpet Court for installing the carpets.

Green Room Refurbishment

The green room is the waiting room and lounge for our performers before, during, and after shows, and also the space for cast and crew to learn and go through lines and technical planning during the rehearsal period.

The green room also functions as a meeting space for the committee and for other groups that need a place to meet.

We are looking to give the space a new lick of paint and some new, more comfortable furniture (a lot of bums have sat on the furniture over the years!), and to make it more functional. We are also considering the viability of the space being able to be slept in, so that our cast and crew that live out of town have somewhere to stay overnight after long rehearsals.