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Performers | Spectrum Theatre
The performers take the script and the director's vision onto the stage.

There can be no show without the performers!

Tasked with working with the director and the rest of the tech crew to make the performance happen, our performers learn lines, take stage direction, and remember blocking to ensure that they put on the performance of a lifetime each and every time.

We’re not going to lie – it’s a hard slog being a performer: when you commit to a performance, you basically sign away the next few months of your social life! You can expect multiple rehearsals a week, many of which will be long and come at short notice, and by the time showtime comes around, you’ll be able to think about nothing else but the performance!

However, it’s an indescribable experience that is insanely rewarding. Not only will you get to stretch and exercise the parts of your brain – and body – that you didn’t know existed, you’ll also learn new things about yourself and the art of theatre, and the many benefits that it provides.

A positive attitude with a willing to work with all different kinds of people are essential to being a performer at Spectrum Theatre.

If you’d like to perform at Spectrum, be sure to keep an eye out for our audition notices.