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Become a Member | Spectrum Theatre
Become a Member
By becoming a member, you get to help steer Spectrum Theatre into the future, as well as supporting our work.

Our members genuinely are the backbone of our theatre: whether they’re electing or becoming part of the committee, helping us to put on productions on and off stage, or providing the invaluable front-of-house services that we simply couldn’t do without. The financial investment of membership also helps us to cover our insurance and ongoing costs associated with the theatre.

All members of the cast and crew of our productions are required to be members of Spectrum Theatre.

How do I become a member?

Membership forms and payment can be completed in-person at Spectrum Theatre.

Alternatively, you can download the form here, and we’ll contact you to arrange a payment via Direct Deposit or through our online Square Service.

To all new and ongoing members – thank you! Your support really does make all the difference.