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Getting to Spectrum | Spectrum Theatre
Getting to Spectrum
Nestled away at the bottom of the UWA Theatre, Spectrum Theatre is a hidden gem right at the heart of Albany's historical district - find out how to get to us!

Spectrum Theatre is located on the bottom floor (basement) of the UWA Building (also known as “The Old Post Office”) on Stirling Terrace. In order to access Spectrum Theatre, you need to enter via Proudlove Parade, the street parallel and below Stirling Terrace.

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Entering Proudlove Parade via vehicle

The entrance to Proudlove Parade via vehicles is right at the bottom of York Street, just before the train line (follow the directions for York Street IGA). Proudlove Parade has plenty of parking available, including outside the theatre, and along Proudlove Parade outside the TransWA booking centre, and around IGA.

Entering Proudlove Parade via foot

There is a walkway around the UWA Building that will take you straight from Stirling Terrace to Proudlove Parade around the perimeter of the building.

Please note, however, that the descent from Stirling Terrace to Proudlove Parade is quite steep, and to exercise extra precautions when it is wet.